College Coach Check In
TGS College Coach Check In simplifies logging colleges and staff that attended your games. Now you can check in college coaches for each game with your app or web application providing instant access to your players.
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TGS Team College Check In
TGS Player Profile Email Templates
Automated Email To Your Players

After each game or at the end of the event you can use the automated email system to  notify your players of the colleges and staff that attended each game. The info is stored in the player accounts as well as the team account giving access 24/7. All it takes is one simple click to notify your team of the overview of each game or all games.

TGS Drag & drop Scheduler
Export of Colleges & Staff That Attended

If you are in need of exporting the college attendance and staff no worries. The system will allow you to export by the all games from the event or by individual games providing you with all the important contact info.

TGS Player Profiles
Custom Team Profile Pamphlet

Although the TGS system provides mobile apps for colleges to access your teams and player info field side we do understand that some still like the old way of paper team profile pamphlets. So we made it easy for you with one simple click the TGS system will automatically  create your team profile pamphlet to hand out while checking colleges in.

TGS All In Club Recruiting
Colleges Viewing Your Players

After each event, you are able to see what colleges are viewing your players. Simply log in to your TGS account and visit your College Reports to see a list of colleges and how many of your players they are looking at.

Why TGS Team All In Is For Your Team?

Total Global Sports All-In Team program allows teams to provide an ecosystem that ties all aspects of running a team, and college recruiting into one system. With Custom pamphlets, upgraded player profiles, video sharing and college coach check-in TGS will help make the life of a team manager that much easier.

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